Release Date: Sep 01, 2021

SHELTON, WA – Carmen Echeverria started at Mason Health in 2015 as an Administrative Assistant for the Department of Employee Health and Quality Improvement.

“My family moved to the United States in 1974 and I was born at Mason General Hospital. Coming to Mason Health is the best thing that could ever happen to me.”

Carmen believes in the power of community. In addition to her daily duties, she helps a lot serving as an interpreter on various Mason Health COVID-19 vaccine events.

“It’s never enough awareness for the vaccine services we provide. Hispanic culture is very different, we live very close to each other, in big communities. It helps tremendously that we have some staff members here at Mason Health, me included, who can offer interpreter services at our vaccine events. I know first-hand how essential it is to provide care to patients in a language they are familiar with.”

Carmen shares that at many vaccine events Spanish-speaking visitors would ask her about Mason Health’s Behavioral Health or Eye Care services.

“It’s very sad for me to see a lack of proper communication due to the language barrier. I remember in 1980s, there were no Spanish-speaking receptionists or providers in our community. We used to be pulled out of school to take my mom to her doctor’s appointment. I’m always willing to help Mason Health to improve the communication lines with the local Hispanic community.”

Carmen met many trilingual and bilingual students at the vaccine events held in collaboration with the Shelton School District.

“I asked them what their plans for the future are and I invited them to come to Mason Health and apply. We would be very fortunate to recruit these students here at Mason Health. They come from the inside of the community and they know it very well. I would love to see us developing recruiting programs to build an entire Interpreter Services Department at Mason Health. This would help us to tackle the language barrier and make our services available for many more members of our community.”

Free time Carmen likes to spend with her kids (19, 17, and 15) and her parents.

“My parents have a big farm where I help a lot. I’ve seen how they built everything from scratch in a new country. There was a lady Arleen who helped my dad to bring my mom to the United States and get a home here. Arleen taught me that we need to help each other, as this is the only way to grow and prosper. In the early 1990s, Arleen was the one who started the English As a Second Language program here in Shelton. Many immigrants learned English with her help. A lot of them are now very successful community members.”

Carmen teaches her kids that they must never give up and do all that they are able to achieve their goals, while helping others along the way.

We are very grateful to have Carmen as a member of our community who is serving our District so proactively!

Mason Health, Public Hospital District No. 1 of Mason County, is certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and is a licensed and accredited acute care hospital with a level four emergency trauma designation. There are more than 100 physicians on staff in 19 specialties. For more information or to find a health care provider, visit


Carmen Echeverria Web Edit